RapNet Blog

Industry tips & tricks, best practices and market insights

  • The Promise of a Diamond: An Overview for Jewelers and Non-Jewelers Alike

    The diamond's promise is the essence of what makes it so special to consumers. The promise is at the heart of every diamond purchase and is what sets diamonds apart from other luxury goods. A diamond has meaning; it conveys emotion and is a symbol of love, elegance, beauty, and wealth. The diamond, because of its physical nature, stands for eternity, purity and innocence. When proffered, it expresses commitment, faithfulness, and trust. Delight and entertain your customers with these concepts and further garner their confidence in their purchase.

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  • How to Create the Strongest Sales Team for Your Diamond Jewelry Store

    Because your sales associates are one of your best means of establishing your store’s reputation and making sales, you have to invest time, money and energy in them. For diamond retailers, its particularly important to get your sales team on track because the stakes are so high to the customer, and each diamond jewelry purchase is fundamentally wrapped up in their dreams. Every salesperson encountered on the way to concretizing those dreams has the responsibility to enhance the customer’s experience and improve the sale.

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  • How Diamond Retailers Can Influence the Buying Process

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  • Looking Back At the Top Diamond Jewelry Trends for 2015: A Year in Review

    Changes in fashion for diamond jewelry are usually more subtle and slower than the lightning-fast, drastic changes we see in the wider world of fashion. However, trends are still evident, and looking back at the past year, there are some obvious styles that stood out from the rest.

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    • Nov 04, 2015

    Do Synthetic Diamonds Pose a Threat to the Diamond Industry?

    The natural diamond, formed over millions of years is unarguably a rare and valuable manifestation. What about the diamonds that are now being manufactured synthetically? Can these diamonds still be considered precious? Will they replace genuine diamonds in the hearts of our customers? Or are they considered a substandard substitute?

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  • What Influences a Customer to Buy Diamond Jewelry From Your Store?

    People pass a jewelry store in their travels, and like magic, they stop to stare at the window display of diamonds. Often, they enter because there’s just something very alluring about diamonds. What is the magic formula, then, that will move a person from simply gazing at your diamond jewelry to leaving your store as a customer after having purchased it from you?

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  • Why It's Important to Avoid Diamonds From Zimbabwe

    Many of us have heard that we should avoid buying diamonds mined in Zimbabwe. This is because they are considered “conflict diamonds” or “blood diamonds” because of the legal and ethical issues involved. Why is this so?

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  • A Brief History of Online Diamond Trading

    The diamond industry has changed dramatically over the years, from a local “handshake” business to a global industry where diamonds worth millions of dollars are being bought and sold on the internet every day. How and when did the diamond market make this transition to trading online and how has this impacted the diamond market as a whole?

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  • Where Diamonds Are Mined & Why That Matters to Retailers and Consumers

    For diamond jewelers in today’s market, knowing the source of their diamonds is an invaluable sales tool. Knowing where diamonds originate influences socially conscious consumers in their decision of what to buy and where to buy. No one wants to declare love with a blood diamond.

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  • Identifying Synthetic Diamonds In Parcels of Melee Sizes

    Star and melee diamonds are minuscule diamonds weighing a fraction of a carat, sometimes as small as 0.6mm. Given their tiny size and the fact that they are usually sold in parcels, these natural diamonds can easily be contaminated by undeclared man-made diamonds. How can you detect man-made in these smaller diamonds?

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  • Diamond in the Rough: 5 Steps to Make Your Online Diamond Jewelry Store Stand Out

    You’re about to open a new online diamond jewelry store or you’re already managing one. Yours is one of many competing for the attention of online shoppers everywhere. So how do you stand apart? Start with these five steps.

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  • Handled with Care. Best Practices When Shipping Diamonds Within the US

    There’s a lot to consider when it comes to safely and securely shipping diamonds within the United States. Some of the issues you must take into consideration include which carrier you’ll select, how to package your shipment, and choosing the right insurance. Here are some tips to help you make educated choices about these crucial aspects of shipping diamonds within the domestic US.

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  • Branding Strategies for the Diamond Jewelry Retailer

    A brand is the embodiment of all of the emotions and knowledge associated with a company or product. Your brand tells potential customers what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates you from your competitors. You want your brand to create an image in your customer's mind about your company and your product. You may want your jewelry brand to be known for exclusivity, expertise, glamour, romance, innovation, high quality, great value, or other features. Make sure your brand conveys this.

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